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Knit-In Neck Cords (3/8")

Minimum Qty Price: $2.70

Item Number: NC3/8KI

Quantity Discounts - Order a quantity in the range below to receive the discount

200 to 499$1.87
500 to 999$1.43
1000 to 2499$1.34
2500 to 4999$1.15
  • 3/8" Cord is knit on both sides.
  • Knit-In Neck Cords are approximately 38" long.
  • Optional Break-Away Safety Clasp is available.

 Not in a rush? Orders of 250 neck cords or more can be produced in China at much lower prices. Call for details.

The price for NC3/8"KI includes one color Knit-In imprint and either a Bulldog Clip, Metal Swivel Hook, Rubber O-Ring or a Split Ring at no additional charge.

For Logos/Text: Add a $60.00 set-up charge on all new orders; $30.00 on re-orders.

For Optional Safety Break-Away Clasp add .75 each. Velcro® or Plastic release are also available.

Neck cords will be crimped unless specified otherwise.

 All of the metal attachments for this item contain Nickel and cannot be used in CA without the following warning label on each lanyard: Call for information and costs.

Prop 65 Warning


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Set-Up Charge: $60
Minimum Qty Price: $60.00
Set-Up Charge: $60
For orders that require a set-up charge of $60.00.
Set-Up Charge: $30 *For repeat orders only*
Minimum Qty Price: $30.00
Set-Up Charge: $30   *For repeat orders only*
All repeat orders of this item require a set-up charge of $30.00 per order.

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