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Embroidered Awareness Ribbon Appliques

Minimum Qty Price: $0.55

Item Number: AAPP

Quantity Discounts - Order a quantity in the range below to receive the discount

1000 to 2499$0.47
2500 to 4999$0.45
5000 to 9999$0.42
Our embroidered applique Awareness Ribbons have stick-on adhesive backing and are available in 23 popular colors. Applique Ribbons make great, inexpensive give-aways for all of your fundraising events.  Our 7 most popular colors are available in smaller quantities that can ship in as little as 3-5 days. See# SAAPP below for details.
In large quantities, ribbons can be produced in any color. Please call for prices.

Size: Approximately 1 3/8"

Normal production time is 3-4 weeks.

For quantities of more than 5,000 pcs, please call for quote.

All of our Appliquè Ribbons were tested and found to have NO harmful chemicals, but we have been advised to still put a label on any that ship to CA. If any order is shipped to CA, a Prop 65 label will be applied to the bulk package.

Prop 65 Cancer Warning

Here are some of the colors and their meanings: 
White Ribbon - Adoption Awareness & Support,  Anti-Pornography, Bone Cancer, Child Exploitation, Emphysema, Lung Disease, Multiple Sclerosis Support, Peace, Retinoblastoma, Right to Life, Safe Motherhood, Student Sexual Assault Awareness

Cream Ribbon - Spinal Muscular Atrophy Awareness

Pink Ribbon - Breast Cancer Awareness/Support

Red Ribbon - AIDS/HIV, Alcohol Abuse, DUI, Epidermolysis Bullosa, Heart Disease, M.A.D.D., Military Families

Burgundy Ribbon - Deafness, Malformation, Multiple Myeloma, Thrombophilia, Williams Syndrome, Caesarean Awareness & Support

Peach Ribbon - Uterine Cancer
Orange Ribbon - Cultural Diversity, Feed The Nation, Highway Safety, Hunger, Lupus, Motorcycle Injuries, Racial Tolerance, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, Worker Safety Programs

Yellow Ribbon - Adoptive Parent, Amber Alert, Bladder Cancer, Cancer (Generic) Support, Endometriosis, Hope/Support for Cancer PatientS, Liver Cancer/Liver Diseases, Military Support, Missing Children, POW/MIA, Spina Bifida, Suicide Prevention, Teen Suicide Prevention

Gold Ribbon - Breast Feeding Support, Childhood Cancer Awareness, Elder Abuse, Equality
Lime Green Ribbon - Adult Stem Cell Donor, Lymphoma
Green Ribbon- Glaucoma/Eye Care, Mental Retardation
Dark Green Ribbon - Bone Marrow Donation, Childhood Depression, Environmental Issues, Kidney Cancer/Disease, Leukemia, Lyme Disease, Organ/Tissue Donation

Teal Ribbon - Myasthenia Gravis, Ovarian Cancer, Sexual Assault,  Substance Abuse, Tourette Syndrome

Light Blue Ribbon - Bechets Disease, Eating Disorders,  Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease,  Graves Disease, Men’s Health, Prostate Cancer, Scleroderma, Thyroid Cancer, Trisomy 18

Royal Blue Ribbon - Arthritis Awareness/Support

Dark Blue Ribbon - Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Alopecia Awareness & Support, Child Abuse Prevention, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Crime Victims Rights, Dystonia, Education Concerns, Epstein-Barr Virus, Free Speech, Hurricane Support, Myositis, Reye’s Syndrome, Water Quality Awareness

Lavender Ribbon - Cancer Control Awareness, Cervical Health, Epilepsy, Foster Care, Gynecological Cancer Support, Rett Syndrome, Anti-Violence Awareness, Pulmonary Hypertension, Testicular Cancer
Purple Ribbon- Alzheimer’s Disease, Animal Cruelty Awareness, Colitis, Chrohn‘s Disease, Cystic Fibrosis, Domestic Violence, Fibromyalgia, Homelessness, Leimyosarcoma, Macular Degeneration, Pancreatic Cancer, Sarcoidosis, Sjorgren’s Syndrome
Silver Ribbon - Children with Diabetes, Children with Disabilities, Melanoma Awareness, Parkinson’s Disease, Melanoma
Grey Ribbon - Aphasia, Asthma/Allergy, Brachial Plexus, Brain Tumor/Injury, Children with Allergies, Diabetes, Mental Wellness
Brown Ribbon - Anti-Tobacco, Colon Cancer, Colorectal Cancer

Black - Gang Prevention, Mourning/Memorial Services, Skin Cancer/Melanoma Awareness, Tobacco Control

Puzzle Shapes - Autism Awareness

Guardian Angel - M.A.D.D. Mothers

Guardian Angel - Thank You

Guardian Angel - Volunteers


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